An Introduction
Heavily inspired by the entrepreneurship of those who go off and start their own businesses - I thought it was time to do this for myself.
I’ve been managing social media channels for 4+ years since graduating Mizzou’s School of Journalism (strategic communications emphasis) and the variety of clients I’ve gotten to work with has been my favorite part.
I’ve built brands for nonprofits, political candidates, and bakeries. I’ve also been able to grow already established accounts including VR bars, wedding photographers, dry cleaners and homebuilders.
This journey of managing my own clients is not new to me but venturing out and only working for myself is. I realized I am ready for that next challenge. Something about me is my passion for pushing myself and doing what scares me. A little about that…
You might already know the backstory of Vertical Vibe Marketing but in short: I love rock climbing and problem solving to get to the top of a wall. My other hobbies involve training for my first half-Ironman and that takes up quite a bit of my time. I’m a big believer in being active - both mentally and physically and finding that balance.
I absolutely love what I do and have an adventurous mindset. You’ll probably catch me on a call from Kansas City but it’s not out of the blue if I’m working elsewhere. Can’t wait to meet you!