Are You My Ideal Client?

I’ve done a bit of talking about my business, so now I want to talk about how you fit in.

You Connect to Your Community

I love working with other small businesses. If you are a person who cares about your work and you just want your message/service/product to reach the right people - I feel you!

You don’t have to be local to KC for us to work together. I thrive in a remote setting and have worked with clients all across the US and globe (shoutout to a former client in Australia).

I just appreciate businesses that are connecting to their community. Social media provides a digital space to keep that going.

You’re a Good Communicator

The best client relationships involve an open line of communication between us. In order for your social to be successful, I’ll need certain updates from you. Don’t worry, we’ll go over all that I need from you on our strategy calls or through email.

But, things to come up. Our content needs may change and we have to adapt. That’s the fun of running a business (on both sides).

You’re up for the Challenge

We will most likely experience our ups and downs when it comes to social. In all transparency, for every viral post there is a lineup of flops. If you understand that this is just the nature of the game, you’ll be in a good place.

I do everything I can - following social best practices, producing quality content - to make your social stand out. It’s just not an overnight success and it takes time. If you’re down for the ride, hop in.

Sound Fun?

Trust Vertical Vibe Marketing to handle all of your social media marketing needs. To learn more about my packages, connect with me!


Catching Up With Me


Social Media Management - What do You Get?